Catherine Potvin
Co-Investigator (IWP3)
I am a Professor in the Biology Department, McGill University, who specialises on climate change mitigation. Since its inception in 2014, I have led Sustainable Canada Dialogues (SCD), a voluntary network that mobilizes over 80 researchers from every province in Canada, including 20 research chairs, 16 directors and seven members of the Royal Society of Canada, from geography to engineering to sociology. SCD scholars share the concern that governments should steer the course of economy and social development towards sustainability in order to mitigate the future consequences of extreme climate change. We have identified points of consensus, priorities and key policy orientations to guide achievable action and empower decision-makers and citizens alike. Since 2014, the scholars have hosted meetings with up to 70 civil society members and 150 policymakers to consult with them on their needs and interests and give feedback on climate policy. We have produced five reports, written seven open letters to decision-makers and 17 editorials, edited one special issue in a magazine and published two journal articles (with another submitted). I gave 18 English and 62 French interviews—10 print, 65 radio and five television—for SCD. From 2018–2019, I sat on the Ministerial working Group on Ecological and Cultural Integrity in National Parks for Parks Canada. From 2005–2011, I was Panama’s main REDD+ negotiator at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. From 2005–2009, I was the advisor to Panama’s Vice-Minister of the Environment for forest-related issues. I am designated by the World Bank as a core member of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Technical Advisory Panel.