Mark Stoddart
Lead (IWP3), Co-investigator (WP2, WP6, WP7)
Professor Stoddart has worked in the Department of Sociology at Memorial University since 2010. His major areas of research, graduate supervision, and teaching expertise are environmental sociology, political sociology and social movements, and communications and culture. Within the FOCI team, he is Co-lead of IWP3, and Co-Investigator on WP2, WP6, and WP7. He brings a range of expertise relevant to these work packages. First, he was a Co-Investigator on the SSHRC-supported project, Perceiving Climate Variability: A Community-based Study to Identify Frameworks for Understanding and Interpretation. This project, led by Joel Finnis, is directly related to WP2. Second, he is co-lead of the SSHRC-supported Canadian team of COMPON (COMParing climate change POlicy Networks). This is a large international comparative project that examines climate change media discourse and policy networks. This project includes an established working relationship with collaborator Tuomas Ylä-Antilla (Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science, University of Helsinki) and is directly related to WP6. Third, he is a Co-Investigator on the SSHRC-supported project Perceptions of Change in Atlantic Canadian Cities. This project, led by Howard Ramos, included a focus on public perceptions of ecological change and is also directly related to WP6. Fourth, he is a Research Collaborator on the SSHRC-supported project, Building Resilient Rural Communities through Social Entrepreneurship: Lessons from the Shorefast Foundation on Fogo Island, Newfoundland and Labrador. This project, led by Natalie Slawinski, is directly related to WP7. Fifth, Professor Stoddart has been a member of Sustainable Canada Dialogues since 2014, including serving roles as a core member of the Outreach Working Group and Scientific Committee. This experience directly relates to IWP3. Professor Stoddart’s research has appeared in a range of high-impact international and national interdisciplinary and sociological journals, including: Global Environmental Change, Energy Research & Social Science, Organization & Environment, Journal of Environmental Science & Policy, Environmental Politics, and Environmental Communication. He is co-author of the recent book Industrial Development and Eco-Tourisms: Can Oil Extraction and Nature Conservation Co-Exist.