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Brenton, J., & Slawinski, N. (2023). Collaborating for community regeneration: Facilitating partnerships in, through, and for place. Journal of Business Ethics. 184, 815–834,

​Foley, P., Moro, L., Neis, B., Stephenson, R., Mellin, R., Singh, G., Hall, P., Kelly, R., & Kulsum, U. (2024). Expanding infrastructure ontologies: Integrative and critical insights for coastal studies and governance. Coastal Studies & Society. 0(0)., Open Access

Helal, K.M., & Moro, L. (2022). Assessment of the underwater noise levels from a fishing vessel using passive acoustic monitoring and structure hull vibration. Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique Canadienne. 50:3. 110-111, Open Access

Helal, K.M., Fragasso, J. & Moro, L. (2024). Effectiveness of ocean gliders in monitoring ocean acoustics and anthropogenic noise from ships: A systematic review. Ocean Engineering. 295:116993,


Helal, K.M., Fragasso, J. & Moro, L. (2024). Underwater noise characterization of a typical fishing vessel from Atlantic Canada. Ocean Engineering. 299:117310,

Kelly, R., Foley, P., Stephenson, R. L., Hobday, A.J., Pecl, G.T., Boschetti, F., Cvitanovic, C., Fleming, A., Fulton, E.A., Nash, K.L, Neis, B., Singh, G., & van Putten, E.I. (2022). Foresighting future oceans: Considerations and opportunities. Marine Policy.140, https//

Knott, C., Wiber, M. G., & Mather, C. (2024). Aquaculture’s offshore frontier: learning from the Canadian courts on ocean grabbing, ocean privatization, and property as process. Maritime Studies. 23(1), 1-14,


Knott, C., Fusco, L. M., Daly, J., Andrews, E., & Singh, G.G. (2024). Equity zombies in Canada’s blue economy: a critical feminist analysis for equitable policy implementation. Frontiers in Marine Science. 11, 1277581,

Knott, C. & Gustavsson M. (2022). Introduction to fishy feminisms: feminist analysis of fishery places, Gender, Place & Culture, 29:12, 1669-1676,  Open Access

McGill, A., McCloskey, R., Smith, D., & Veitch, B. (2023). Establishing trustworthiness in health care process modelling: A practical guide to quality enhancement in studies using the Functional Resonance Analysis Method. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 22,

McGill, A., Smith, D., McCloskey, R., Morris, P., Goudreau, A., & Veitch, B. (2020). The Functional Resonance Analysis Method as a healthcare research methodology: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19:3, 734-740,

McGill, A., Smith, D., McCloskey, R., Morris, P., Goudreau, A., & Veitch, B. (2022). The Functional Resonance Analysis Method as a healthcare research methodology: a scoping review. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 20(4),1074-1097, http://doi:10.11124/JBIES-21-00099

​Lynch, N., & Greenough, B. (2024). After the light: the reuse and replica of Canada’s historic lighthouses. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 1–17,

Pottie-Sherman, Y., Christensen, J., Foroutan, M., & S. Zhou. (2024). Navigating the housing crisis: a comparison of international students and other newcomers in a mid-sized Canadian city. Canadian Geographies. 68(1), 44-56,


Reid-Musson, E., Neis, B., & Finnis, J. (2022). Fishing safety and timed openings in Atlantic Canada’s lobster fisheries: the mediating role of local management systems. Maritime Studies, 21, 223 – 234.

Shan, D. (2022). Enforcement of Fishing Occupational Health and Safety Standards: Challenges in Atlantic Canada. Marine Policy., Open Access

Slawinski, N., Brenton, J., Brito, B., & Smith, W. K. (2023) Navigating the Paradoxes of Engaged Research to Address Grand Challenges: A Process Model. In Langley, A., Gehman, J., Jarzabkowski, P., & Tsoukas, H. (Eds) Organizing beyond organizations for the common good: Confronting major societal challenges through process studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In Press.

Slawinski, N., Brenton, J., Brito, B., & Smith, W. (2023). Rapid problem formulating for societal Impact: Lessons from a decade-long research-practice partnership. Journal of Business Venturing Insights,

Stackhouse, M., Ramos, H., Foster, K. & Stoddart, M.C.J. (2023) Perceptions of local environment change and ecological habitus, Environmental Sociology, 9:4, 445-462,


Stoddart, M.C.J., & Yang, Y. (2022). What are the roles of regional and local climate governance discourse and actors? Mediated climate change policy networks in Atlantic Canada. Review of Policy Research,


Stoddart, M.C.J., Ramos, H., Foster, K., & Yla-Anttila, T. (2021). Competing Crises? Media Coverage and Framing of Climate Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Environmental Communication. 17(2):1-17,

Wiber, M. G., Mather, C., Knott, C., & López Gómez, M.A. (2021). Regulating the blue economy? Challenges to an effective Canadian aquaculture act. Marine Policy, 131.,

Open Access

Yadav, O. P., Shan, D., Sarkar, A., & Moro, L. (2023). Occupational noise exposure at sea: A socio-legal study on fish harvesters’ perceptions in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1092350., Open Access

Building off pre-existing Ocean Frontier Institute (OFI) modules

Daly, J., Knott, C., Singh, G., & Koegh, P. (2021). Changing climates in a blue economy: Assessing the climate-responsiveness of Canadian fisheries and oceans policy. Marine Policy. 131,

Fusco, L., Knott, C., Cisneros-Montemayor, A., Singh, G., & Spalding, A. (2022). Blueing business as usual: Blue economies, oil, and climate justice. Political Geography. 98,,

Open Access.

Knott, C. & Mather, C. (2021). Ocean frontier assemblages: Critical insights from Canada's industrial salmon sector. Journal of Agrarian Change. 21:4, 796-814,

Knott, C., Power, N., Neis, B. & Frangoudes, K. (2021). North Atlantic fishy feminists and the more-than-human approach: a conversation, Gender, Place & Culture. 29:12,1767-1787,

Martin, S., Mather, C., Knott, C., & Bavington, D. (2021). ‘Landing’ salmon aquaculture: Ecologies, infrastructures and the promise of sustainability. Geoforum,  Open Access.

Silver, A., Finnis, J., Behlendorf, B., & Reid-Musson, E. (2022). End-user satisfaction with Hurricane Dorian information in Atlantic Canada. Meteorological Applications,, Open Access

Stephenson, R.L. and A.J. Hobday (2024) Blueprint for Blue Economy Implementation. Marine Policy,

Stephenson, R.L., Hobday, A.J., Allison, E.H., Armitage, D., Brooks, K., Bundy, A., Cvitanovic, C., Dickey-Collas, M., de Miranda Grilli, N., Gomez, C., Jarre, A., Kaikkonen, L., Kelly, R., López, R. Muhl, E.K., Grazia Pennino, M., Tam, J.C., & van Putten, I. (2021). The Quilt of Sustainable Ocean Governance: Patterns for Practitioners. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8,, Open Access

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We acknowledge that the lands on which Memorial University’s campuses are situated are in the traditional territories of diverse Indigenous groups, and we acknowledge with respect the diverse histories and cultures of the Beothuk, Mi’kmaq, Innu, and Inuit of this province.

To learn more about Memorial University's Strategic Framework for Indigenization please visit the Office of Indigenous Affairs.

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The Future Ocean and Coastal Infrastructures (FOCI) project is administered in partnership by Memorial University’s St. John’s and Grenfell Campuses.

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Research funding was provided by the Ocean Frontier Institute, through an award from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund.

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