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Helping to ensure infrastructure designs support inclusion, social justice, and equity

Ocean and coastal environmental degradation and change, unsafe and unsustainable resource development, and coastal community restructuring can exacerbate exclusion from ecosystem benefits, social injustice, and inequities. These problems often result in disproportionate impacts on disadvantaged groups such as people from lower socioeconomic standards, women, youth, immigrants, injured workers, people with disabilities, and resource-dependent coastal communities, with few economic development alternatives. By directly engaging multiple, critical understandings of inclusion and its relationship to social justice and equity, Inclusion Work Packages are developing new knowledge that can improve conditions for equitably engaging and including diverse groups (different genders, old and young, immigrants) to support their capacity and resilience in contexts of ocean, coastal, and social-ecological change.

We acknowledge that the lands on which Memorial University’s campuses are situated are in the traditional territories of diverse Indigenous groups, and we acknowledge with respect the diverse histories and cultures of the Beothuk, Mi’kmaq, Innu, and Inuit of this province.

To learn more about Memorial University's Strategic Framework for Indigenization please visit the Office of Indigenous Affairs.

Logo for Memorial University including Grenfell Campus.

The Future Ocean and Coastal Infrastructures (FOCI) project is administered in partnership by Memorial University’s St. John’s and Grenfell Campuses.

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Research funding was provided by the Ocean Frontier Institute, through an award from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund.

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